360° tours
clic, drag & zoom to look around
+ yearly support fee of 50€ per Tour
Price for m²
Fixed fee €
Cost m² €
For furnished properties add. coefficient in %
< 400
< 800
360° tours + 3d model
+ yearly support fee of 50€ per Tour
Price for m²
Fixed fee €
Cost m² €
For furnished properties add. coefficient in %
< 400
< 800
videography of your proprety
Prices for videography vary, so please contact us. We will be happy to help you.
With 360° tours, any real estate item can be viewed in detail from any device, whether it’s a smartphone, tablet or computer. With their own device, prospects can explore every corner of a property, place and time independently. And make decisions with allies as if they were conducting a joint site visit.
What does a result look like technically and how do you use the tours?
After recording on site, we edit each tour into a file. This is accessible via an external link and can be incorporated into any website via HTML code.
* The fixed fee includes the processing of the images after the shooting and the creation of the tour. The support is included in the price and is valid for the first year in which the virtual tour was created. After the expiration of the first year, the customer is obliged to pay a fee of 50 € each additional year to extend it (again for one year).
**When the object is sold, the tour will be deleted upon request. If this is not the case, the future costs for the support will be forfeited. Fee is paid annually per object.
Feature One
One Stands out from the competition.
Feature Two
One offers new experience to the customer.
Feature Three
You stay longer in the customer's memory and create an emotional bond with them.
Feature Four
The 360° presentation makes it possible to expand the target audience to worldwide.
Feature Five
The offer reaches the customer location and time independent worldwide.
Feature Seven
This innovative form of presentation is very cost and time efficient.
Feature Six
The number of visits to a property remains unrestricted until a decision is made and is very cost-saving for both sides.